Tech cost decreased to 100 Wood (down from 300 Food). Ottoman Mosque now has the unique ability to gather XP at a rate of 0.4xp/sec while the building is standing. Effect added to provide 20% bonus to damage to all War Ships. Effect decreased to provide +5 range (down from +10 range). Age-up effect increased to 7 Longbowmen (up from 2 Pikemen and 5 Longbowmen). Crate gathering time increased to 20.00 (up from 15.00). All hand attacks' x0.75 negative bonus against Abstract Villager removed. Velocity increased to 6.75 (up from 6.50) and Max Velocity increased to 8.75 (up from 8.50). All hand attacks' -x0.25 multiplier against Abstract Infantry added. Effect decreased to provide 50% cost to TownCenters (down from 33% cost). Build Bounty XP reduced to 70.00 (down from 140.00). Effect decreased to provide 4 Lancers (down from 5). Effect decreased to provide 3 Lancers (down from 4).
Effect decreased to provide 8 Rodeleros (down from 9).Effect decreased to provide 7 Rodeleros (down from 8).Effect decreased to provide 6 Rodeleros (down from 7).Effect decreased to provide 5 Rodeleros (down from 6).Now Spain's bonus is 25% (down from 27%).
Shipment modifier changed to 0.75 (up from 0.73). Wood cost reduced to 200.00 (down from 400.00).īALANCE CHANGES - CIVILIZATION SPECIFIC CHANGES. Build Bounty XP reduced to 40.00 (down from 80.00). Bounty XP reduced to 80.00 (down from 160.00). Mamelukes, Elmetis and Lil'Bombards are untrainable from the Saloon until the Industrial Age (up from Fortress Age). Build Bounty XP reduced to 20.00 (down from 40.00). Bounty XP reduced to 40.00 (down from 80.00). Build points reduced to 10.00 (down from 20.00). All hand attacks' multiplier against Mercenary increased to x20.00 (up from x10.00) and multiplier against Hero increased to x40.00 (up from x20.00). All building siege attacks' damage reduced to 10 (down from 20.00). All hand attacks' damage reduced to 5.00 (down from 10.00). Spies are untrainable until the Colonial Age (up from the Discovery Age). Guardians* Converted Guardians now have a x0.10 multiplier versus Buildings added. Several pets have their stats normalized using the Spanish WarDog as the baseline.
This change affects the following units: Crossbowman, Cassador, Longbowman, Jaeger, Tupi Blackwood Archer, Carib Ambusher, Carib Blowgunner, Incan Bolas Warrior, Klamath Rifleman, Tupi Blackwood Archer, Carib Blowgunner, Cherokee Rifleman, Cree Tracker, Navajo Rifleman, Cherokee Rifleman, Seminole Sharktooth Bowman, Cree Tracker, Renegado, Skirmisher, Strelet, Aenna, Macehualtin, Forest Prowler, Cetan Bow, Wakina Rifle, Arquebrusier, Chu Ko Nu, Iron Troop, Gurkha, Mansabdar Gurkha, Marathan Thuggee, Wokou Monk, and Yumi Archer. All ranged and hand attacks' multiplier against Abstract Light Cavalry and Eagle Knight increased to x2.00 (up from x1.50). All ranged and hand attacks' x0.75 multiplier against Abstract Cavalry and Abstract Coyote Man added. All ranged and hand attacks' x1.25 multiplier against Heavy Infantry added.
All ranged attacks' damage reduced to 16.00 (down from 18.00).All TownCenters should be consistent in not having any bonus against Cavalry or Light Infantry. Ranged attacks' x1.50 bonus against Abstract Cavalry and Abstract Light Infantry removed for non-Asian TownCenters.Anti-ship base attack reduced to 75.00 (down from 100.00).